Asset Class Commentary August 2023

A resurgence in investor confidence is again underway as equity markets have risen and bond yields have stabilised, at least in the short-term. How long this lasts will depend on the macro-economic data coming through for GDP growth and the labour market, with many predicting further volatility to come.

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Asset Class Commentary July 2023

To skip or not to skip – this was the Fed’s main dilemma this month. In the US we saw the Fed pause its policy of raising interest rates for this month, opting instead to hold rates as they are. This prompted investors to question Fed Chairman Jerome Powell’s thinking. The Fed’s rhetoric was that although they are skipping an interest rate rise this time, they are on track to raise rates next time. We discuss why this happened and the rationale later in the article.

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June 2023 Client Newsletter

Cast your mind back to the early 1990s, if you can. John Major was Prime Minister and his successor as Chancellor, Norman Lamont, ran a distinctly different income tax strategy from the current incumbents of 10 and 11 Downing Street. Just how different was highlighted in recent research published by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS).

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Asset Class Commentary June 2023

While markets were panicking about the US debt ceiling last month, they temporarily forgot about interest rates and inflation (phew..!). Now that this issue has been resolved market focus has moved back onto the macro-economic environment.

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Major pension changes introduced by Spring Budget 2023

The 2023 Spring Budget produced some of the biggest, most wide-ranging changes to pensions legislation since the “Pension Freedom” reforms of 2014. The statement was a surprise to say the least.

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