Business owners and former business owners were the market sector that Watson French focused on when the firm opened its doors in 1999.
In working with businesses and entrepreneurs, the phrase, ‘my business is my pension’, had become familiar to Stephen Watson. He felt that there was both an opportunity and a need to offer specific advice to this sector of the community.
Business owners and those who had recently sold their business often had complex finances. A broader spectrum of assets often meant they had more opportunity for financial planning and wealth management but also more need.
Running a successful business takes all of your attention. The skills that have been honed in that process are not always the ones most suited to wealth and financial management however, business owners are familiar with working with specialist advisors and that is where Watson French comes in.
The team at Watson French have been involved with the setting up and servicing of our workplace pension for our employees over many years now. Their advice and expertise is invaluable. Their service is comprehensive, knowledgeable and trustworthy and we are delighted to be associated with them.
Mark Mitchell – Chairman, Cornwall Group Ltd
Watson French have specific areas of excellence such as investing in commercial property as part of a pension fund, transferring business wealth into personal wealth in a tax efficient manner and, in the case of family businesses, mitigating IHT and managing succession.
We provide the support and advice you need to run your personal finances in a business-like manner. We ensure that you can make the necessary plans for your own future whilst taking care of your business while it is still in a growth phase, being prepared for sale or passed on to a family member.
If this sounds relevant to your own situation please call us on 01872 225885 and we can arrange a preliminary meeting.